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Plant Spirit Medicine Healing & Beauty and the Beast

Plant Spirit Medicine Healing & Beauty and the Beast

One of my favorite parts of the “Beauty and the Beast” movie is the moment when the animated objects run out of time and begin to turn completely into objects — no longer with human attributes such as feeling, speaking, moving, etc. There is something so poignant about those scenes. It absolutely made me think of Plant Spirit Medicine as a healing modality.

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How Plant Spirit Medicine Heals People

How Plant Spirit Medicine Heals People

The inspiration for this post comes from a lovely video I just watched yesterday, thanks to my Plant Spirit Medicine colleague in Santa Cruz, CA, Megan Montero, who shared it with me via her newsletter. I'm including the video here, sharing it with you. Please...

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Thanksgiving & Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

Thanksgiving & Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

The world of Plant Spirit Medicine healing is a circular world. It is a world of relationships, of sacred exchange and limitless possibilities. Today, I am grateful for my tribe, my clients, the world and all its beings. I am grateful for the great privilege of being...

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Healing in summer with Plant Spirit Medicine

Healing in summer with Plant Spirit Medicine

At times clients ask me if they still should receive Plant Spirit Medicine healing in summer, or if they could just enjoy being out in Nature. While it’s great to take advantage of the many opportunities summer provides us to be out in Nature and connect with others, it is absolutely important to receive Plant Spirit Medicine treatments in summer, just like any other time of year.

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Plant Spirit Medicine a profound healing modality

Plant Spirit Medicine a profound healing modality

Plant Spirit Medicine is a powerful, subtle and profound healing modality Founded as a synthesis of Traditional Five Element Chinese Medicine and shamanism, Plant Spirit Medicine calls on the spirits of native plants to help us heal by restoring balance, flow and...

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In Nature, no good deed goes unnoticed

In Nature, no good deed goes unnoticed

This natural world, this world of balance, exchange, wisdom and generosity which has such strong allure for us does have rules. One of them has to do with balance and exchange. In this natural world, no good deed goes unnoticed. We know this in our hearts and souls....

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Is Plant Spirit Medicine Healing Effective in Winter?

Is Plant Spirit Medicine Healing Effective in Winter?

Okay! So we just had another snow storm in the Chicago area. Just when I thought spring time was finally here. I was already starting to be excited by the possibility of the plants, my dear friends, coming back to my garden and surrounding areas! This spring time snow reminds me of my first winter here after becoming a Plant Spirit Medicine healer.

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Cultivating the stance of a Plant Spirit Medicine healer

Cultivating the stance of a Plant Spirit Medicine healer

This morning I found myself contemplating the preparation that healers undergo in order to be able to share their gifts with others. A few weeks back I wrote about right relationship, and certainly this is one of the important things to cultivate with the plant spirits and the entire natural world as we endeavor to alleviate people’s suffering. Here are other ways in which we become ready as healers:

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Love, Friendship and Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

Love, Friendship and Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

When I was in 7th grade, my dad took a nice photo of me sitting at my piano. He made black and white Valentine’s Day photo postcards for me to give to my school friends. Instead of “Happy Valentine’s Day,” the cards read “Happy Day of Love and Friendship.” As I contemplate Valentine’s Day I realize that my Plant Spirit Medicine healing work is all about love and friendship. Actually, all of Life is about that. All about relationship.

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Usher in a new year with Plant Spirit Medicine

Usher in a new year with Plant Spirit Medicine

It is absolutely important (and delicious to our spirits) to receive Plant Spirit Medicine any time of year but especially in winter. As they work powerfully and oh so very generously to bring us into balance and harmony, the plants remind us what is important in terms of our life purpose, and they help us connect with our larger vision for our lives.

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Healing our hearts and Plant Spirit Medicine

Healing our hearts and Plant Spirit Medicine

It is amazing how many burdens we can agree to carry at any given time. Not just our own but also other people’s burdens. These burdens are not ours to carry. They often turn out to be real drawbacks for our hearts. We are meant to live life in joy, together with others in community, learning, moving, flowing, like water. Working, observing, assimilating, taking things in. With gratitude for the chance to be alive, to be experiencing, breathing, smelling, singing, touching, moving, feeling.

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Questions and Answers on Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

Questions and Answers on Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

As a result of my participation in the group, I was invited to write a blog on Plant Spirit Medicine, discussing questions people ask me about my healing modality. The blog post was published today on the Crystal Life Technology website. In writing the blog post, my dear teacher, Eliot Cowan’s words were front and center. But I wrote the post anyway. And here’s why I did it.

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Plant Spirit Medicine Healing and Shamanism

I remember quite vividly every single one of my meetings with Huichol shamans for the purpose of healing. Each session has been life changing and transformative. Each session has been different. And in fact, I’ve never gone to a shaman because I feel unwell physically. I go to them because they are experts at returning us to spiritual health and wellbeing. I am not a shaman. I am a Plant Spirit Medicine healer.

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When to Receive Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

I’ve been wondering for a few weeks if our life in the USA does not at times interfere with our ability to ask for what we need and with our ability to receive healing. Those same traits so helpful to our beautiful country’s founding fathers may in fact get in our way when we need help.

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A New Year’s Reflection

So when those who our culture perceives as great, those who our societies celebrate as heroes walk by or are paid well, or take a bow … it is rightful for us all to feel their triumph in our hearts as our own. It is right and just for us all to enjoy their accomplishments as our own. For we have helped make it possible.

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We are on a mission as Plant Spirit Medicine Healers

Our mission involves not only helping our clients to move into balance and harmony as they receive healing. It is to witness our clients as they peel the layers of stress, trauma, illness, perception, disconnection, and they come to touch, even if for just a moment, that place of heart and vision that reminds them in a resonant unforgettable way, who they truly are and what they are truly here to do.

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Botanical Art and Plant Spirit Medicine

My intention in taking the class was to take advantage of the opportunities the Arboretum offers, meet new people and do something different. Little did I know it was going to be a day full of Plant Spirit Medicine lessons. I went into the class and the teacher had a bucket of tulips in water. She told each of us to take one and begin drawing. We were all newbies, all learning how to draw, how to see, how to capture a flower in a drawing. The tulip I chose was closed but you could still observe so much color and nuance. Or … so I thought. Then, it was time to really begin to “see.”

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Trees and Plant Spirit Medicine

Trees and Plant Spirit Medicine

I have heard many accounts of memories, encounters and powerful experiences with trees from my Plant Spirit Medicine colleagues. Some actually feel that it is difficult to engage in contact with some trees, because trees have been around for such a long time, they are such huge presences and their perspective is just different.

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Inspiration from this year’s Plant Spirit Medicine Conference

Inspiration from this year’s Plant Spirit Medicine Conference

I love gathering with PSM healers from all over the country to explore new areas of growth in our healing practices, catch up on our personal and professional lives, learn, sit by the fire and listen. Talks, panel discussions and workshops happen around a beautiful fire. We open our hearts to each other, our medicine, the sacred gifts of the Land at the Blue Deer Center, our teachers and the world. We learn, we share, we explore, we squirm in our seats, we ask, we debate, we honor one another, we hold our people and our medicine and our prayers for all of the above and we march on home afterwards renewed, inspired, re-invigorated and filled with joy to take to our healing practices, our families, our communities, our people.

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Picasso in Chicago and Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

Some people milled about the reception comfortably, others were in a rush to walk through to the art exhibit and go home. A few ladies came and sat at our small table to eat a few bites then immediately and hurriedly left to see the exhibit. “How can that possibly be enjoyable?” I asked myself. And it occurred to me that the people were the real exhibit, not the art!

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