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Tag: wellness

New year, new awareness

The Lunar New Year is a time of renewal, a chance to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the new one. This time is an opportunity to choose to more fully to nurture your own well-being and deepen your connection with the natural world.

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The wonders and healing power of plants

When we feel lonely, stressed or anxious we need to reach out to plants, to be around them. Gardening is therapeutic and beautifying but beyond that, contact with plants begins to help us heal. Working with plants and being around them helps us remember who we are, what is important in our life and to regain perspective.

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Honoring Our Ancestors

I do like Halloween, even more now because of my young nephew. He loves costumes and movies and his innocent fascination makes us even more aware of the magic of the season. But more than costumes and trick or treaters, for me this time of year is about remembering and paying my respects to my ancestors.

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The Grass Sometimes Seems Greener

Sometimes we think others are lots better off than we are and we’re tempted to get down about ourselves or to change what we are doing. Instead of thinking the grass is greener elsewhere and escaping our own situation, we can look at what the dissatisfaction is telling us about what we want in our life. What if we decide to begin to change from within and watch our ideal life begin to take shape before our eyes?

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To the Earth we shall return

When we work as Plant Spirit Medicine healers, and we begin to listen deeply to the wisdom of Nature in order to help others heal, we can over time begin to receive gifts and blessings in the form of realizations.

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Plant Spirit Medicine Healing & Beauty and the Beast

One of my favorite parts of the “Beauty and the Beast” movie is the moment when the animated objects run out of time and begin to turn completely into objects — no longer with human attributes such as feeling, speaking, moving, etc. There is something so poignant about those scenes. It absolutely made me think of Plant Spirit Medicine as a healing modality.

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Healing in summer with Plant Spirit Medicine

At times clients ask me if they still should receive Plant Spirit Medicine healing in summer, or if they could just enjoy being out in Nature. While it’s great to take advantage of the many opportunities summer provides us to be out in Nature and connect with others, it is absolutely important to receive Plant Spirit Medicine treatments in summer, just like any other time of year.

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