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Author: Adrilia

Usher in a new year with Plant Spirit Medicine

It is absolutely important (and delicious to our spirits) to receive Plant Spirit Medicine any time of year but especially in winter. As they work powerfully and oh so very generously to bring us into balance and harmony, the plants remind us what is important in terms of our life purpose, and they help us connect with our larger vision for our lives.

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Healing our hearts and Plant Spirit Medicine

It is amazing how many burdens we can agree to carry at any given time. Not just our own but also other people’s burdens. These burdens are not ours to carry. They often turn out to be real drawbacks for our hearts. We are meant to live life in joy, together with others in community, learning, moving, flowing, like water. Working, observing, assimilating, taking things in. With gratitude for the chance to be alive, to be experiencing, breathing, smelling, singing, touching, moving, feeling.

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Questions and Answers on Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

As a result of my participation in the group, I was invited to write a blog on Plant Spirit Medicine, discussing questions people ask me about my healing modality. The blog post was published today on the Crystal Life Technology website. In writing the blog post, my dear teacher, Eliot Cowan’s words were front and center. But I wrote the post anyway. And here’s why I did it.

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Plant Spirit Medicine Healing and Shamanism

I remember quite vividly every single one of my meetings with Huichol shamans for the purpose of healing. Each session has been life changing and transformative. Each session has been different. And in fact, I’ve never gone to a shaman because I feel unwell physically. I go to them because they are experts at returning us to spiritual health and wellbeing. I am not a shaman. I am a Plant Spirit Medicine healer.

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