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Author: Adrilia

Is Plant Spirit Medicine Healing Effective in Winter?

Okay! So we just had another snow storm in the Chicago area. Just when I thought spring time was finally here. I was already starting to be excited by the possibility of the plants, my dear friends, coming back to my garden and surrounding areas! This spring time snow reminds me of my first winter here after becoming a Plant Spirit Medicine healer.

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Cultivating the stance of a Plant Spirit Medicine healer

This morning I found myself contemplating the preparation that healers undergo in order to be able to share their gifts with others. A few weeks back I wrote about right relationship, and certainly this is one of the important things to cultivate with the plant spirits and the entire natural world as we endeavor to alleviate people’s suffering. Here are other ways in which we become ready as healers:

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Love, Friendship and Plant Spirit Medicine Healing

When I was in 7th grade, my dad took a nice photo of me sitting at my piano. He made black and white Valentine’s Day photo postcards for me to give to my school friends. Instead of “Happy Valentine’s Day,” the cards read “Happy Day of Love and Friendship.” As I contemplate Valentine’s Day I realize that my Plant Spirit Medicine healing work is all about love and friendship. Actually, all of Life is about that. All about relationship.

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